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Fun Site
Entered on: October 15, 2003 8:42 AM by Ross
Speaking of the movie Lost in Translation, I found a sweet site that will translate any text into several languages, but then back to english. It is hliarious to see what gets Lost in Translation. The following is "Johnny and Fatty's Big Day Out", translated to Chinese and back:  
Other days, Johnny takes a walk we. The happy day, is brightly bright, is, is. How did it meet the health we concern you say us include us walk, our brains rose this holding? Simultaneously. Whether depends upon obtains our body this force experiment, ravaged we vaguely discover walks. And behind my sore spot is partial and in Johnny is between the bad foot, it can decide, we now have? 60 year olds D. Secretly is the person which the new group has the Johnny gloss is not possible to pursue the year when disregards leaves. The natural place, is walking with Johnny is hungry. You do as for his my this fact are convinced according to eat meal and IHOP and crowdedly does the order are placed on trial. I retain our determination, our method trades to substitutes to Wendy. We choose that daughter, our healthy taste Wendy - the chicken sandwich which roasts and because takes the lead. You discover crosses the parking lot in us from Wendy the new chillidog place the right. By now Johnny was this reason sound. We attach the plan. Perhaps, this is that we is new and the important force which discovers. Is as for the place which looks like for ours Wendy we does not satisfy as for these that to any thing. As for our it is two disappointed some. This fact that parking place? Crosses to it is not in the love with us to van this disappointed Johnny Chillidog, it the place causes? I directly believe is. When you 11 - To other parts from joint? You know when it did are new. On the one hand, as for is these chillidogs wind taste is good! It are, we pass magnificient one. It are bright, this discernment? Using still. Our this grain of bean is complete, (word by word). We have not been able to finish the day? Still! We go to this movie! In order to look this stone the school I actually hire from this theater Johnny. The miracle husbands' and wives' that strict private use introduction is becomes the unemployment in among is demonstrated after this film start is (our other matters). We enjoy two films, but, feels is livelier than, you discovered was quite good. This jack black has according to the order still demonstrated that real latent characteristic and the movie. This is greatly stops? If Kiddy conspires to cancel, I think that this is the winner in us. It are and - Johnny i because still is between this way, has not had the day. I long for? Quotes this jack black to total stems from to our day respect from the stone school matter: I like the fact which you eats. Is that kind of crime?  
The site is here:

NEWS 128 - 10 Comments
From: Swerb Entered on: October 15, 2003 9:12 AM
That is pure fucking poetry.
From: Ross Entered on: October 15, 2003 9:43 AM
My favorite line:  
If Kiddy conspires to cancel, I think that this is the winner in us.  
Runner up:  
We choose that daughter, our healthy taste Wendy - the chicken sandwich which roasts and because takes the lead.
From: The Bone Entered on: October 15, 2003 11:57 AM
How about this:  
Crosses to it is not in the love with us to van this disappointed Johnny Chillidog, it the place causes?  
Johnny Chilidog! What a great moniker!
From: Ross Entered on: October 15, 2003 12:18 PM
Goddamn, how did I miss that? That is priceless. Another evolution of that would be Johnny Chilibowl.  

From: The Bone Entered on: October 15, 2003 4:52 PM
I was thinking the same thing.
From: John Entered on: October 15, 2003 6:28 PM
There is no chili in any of my three bowls and my wife and kids will confirm this. Let the chilibowl reference die since it no longer applies to me.
From: Ross Entered on: October 15, 2003 6:34 PM
It will never die, simply because you want it to so bad! Long live King Johnny Chili Bowl!
From: John Entered on: October 15, 2003 6:54 PM
In my youth I would threaten a foot in the ass to quell the use of this moniker. Now my idle threats would fall on deaf ears. It seems there is no stopping the chilibowl reference and it's fruitless for me to try. I suppose I might as well assume the crown of King Johnny Chili Bowl.
From: BigFatty Entered on: October 15, 2003 9:23 PM
I couldn't see any difference in the translation. It made perfect sense to me. What is so funny about it?

Our this grain of bean is complete, (word by word). We have not been able to finish the day? Still! We go to this movie!

This line comes from the Old Testament

From: BigFatty Entered on: October 15, 2003 9:30 PM
Johnny Chilidog - can a person have a cooler name? I can't stand it. He should have his own show on FOX, or at least his own comic book.  
You have probably figured out by now that I used this translation service to write my paper on Spain. Don't tell Professor Gerry, I might get in trouble. OR The Gerry does not say to the professor, I I could in the extension of the difficulty.  


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