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Indiana Jones 4 has a title!
Entered on: September 10, 2007 8:43 AM by Ross

indy 4 castIndiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!  

I have to say that I am quite excited for this movie even though Harrison Ford is 98 years old.  The kid, Shia LaBeouf doesn't seem bad to me at all after having seen him in Transformers and Disturbia.  

NEWS 438 - 2 Comments
From: NickNick Entered on: September 10, 2007 9:36 AM

I take it Shia is his kid in this one?  Is he going to have a whip installed in his Hoveround?

I mock this, but I will probably be waiting in line for it on opening night.

From: Ross Entered on: September 10, 2007 10:15 AM
Yeah, that's him on the left in the picture.  Not sure what his role is, if he's his son or what.


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