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Entered on: September 29, 2008 8:54 AM by NickNick

Let me know what you think about the article, my writing, whatever.  Honesty, please. 

The Treehouse.

NEWS 569 - 6 Comments
From: BigFatty Entered on: September 29, 2008 1:00 PM

So why does the little voice only tell you bad, dark things?  My little voice mostly tells me to do good things - you should help that lady out....  see why that person is crying....  grab her boobie in the elevator...

Plus, I enjoy disecting word choice.  Do you realize that you have made yourself out to be a pothead with this sentence?

'We’ll sit down over coffee and a couple smokes and hash out the correct scenarios.'

Coffee - coffee house - Amsterdam Coffee houses serve pot ... but the word coffee on its own is benign enough.. until you put it with this: 'couple of smokes and hash'. 

Really?  Nick, are you a closet pot-head?  Seriously, that one sentence really associates you with the doobie dudes.  Haven't you read any of the 'How to pick-up women books?'  You need to use words when talking to women that suggest sexually strong and masculine imagery.  Instead of 'I ate some good tomatoes for lunch' you say 'Wow, I had some tasty tomatoes for lunch.  They were so ripe, firm and luscious.  I took one into my mouth and I could feel it being ready to burst.  It was quivering on my tongue.  I barely touched it and in exploded in my mouth.  Could barley contain the juices.  You want to fuck?'

From: The Bone Entered on: September 29, 2008 4:08 PM

I prefer, "Nice shoes, want to fuck?"

From: RobotSpider Entered on: September 30, 2008 8:51 AM
BigFatty said:

 Instead of 'I ate some good tomatoes for lunch' you say 'Wow, I had some tasty tomatoes for lunch.  They were so ripe, firm and luscious.  I took one into my mouth and I could feel it being ready to burst.  It was quivering on my tongue.  I barely touched it and in exploded in my mouth.  Could barley contain the juices.  You want to fuck?'

Also, if you could refer to the tomato's flesh

The tomato's flesh yielded completely to the first few tentative bites. I don't know whether it was the tomato's juice or millions of years of evolution that registered the pleasure of satisfying one of man's base desires; to consume completely, without apology, and penetrate it's flawless skin.

Man.  I'm having tomatoes for lunch.

From: Ross Entered on: September 30, 2008 8:53 AM

I need another shower.

From: NickNick Entered on: September 30, 2008 9:30 AM

Do I need to lick the tomato prior to mastication?

From: RobotSpider Entered on: September 30, 2008 10:11 AM
NickNick said:

Do I need to lick the tomato prior to mastication?

Depends on how much you paid the tomato, and what she agrees to.


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