Another good editorial, this one about Palin and her comments about taxes being unpatriotic. I couldn't agree with this guy more. She is such an ignoramous... hell, we don't even have a word for a politician that's this clueless...
Even if you thought McCain was across the board better than Obama, his choosing this simpleton should make you seriously consider Obama on the basis of this example of poor judgement alone.
But even so, no rational person could consider McCain better across the board, IMO. I read a good article in the Economist recently about how economists say Obama's economic plans are far superior to McCain's. Even allowing for the fact that economists tend to be democrats, unaffiliated economists prefer Obama by a vast margin, and even Republicans prefer his economic plans too! His nonsense during that town hall debate about "stabilizing the housing market" was just that: nonsense. The government can't keep home prices from falling by buying up bad loans, come on! Who is buying McCain's bullshit?